Click below to download a PDF file of the current Bar/Bat Mitzvah requirements.
Sha’are Shalom Bar/Bat Mitzvah Requirements (Nov-2009)
Follow these links for audio (mp3) recordings of standard prayers from Gates of Prayer, Sabbath Morning Service I.
- Halleluyah
- Barchu
- Ma Tovu
- Reader’s Kaddish
- Aleynu
- Torah Service – Torah Blessings
- Haftarah Blessing (before)
- Haftarah Blessing (after)
- Adon Olam
- Torah Service – Eitz Chayim (Tree of Life)
- Torah Service – Returning Torah to Ark
- Torah Service – Torah Taken from the Ark
- Torah Service – Beginning of Torah Service
- Y’hu Leratzon
- For the Soul
- Ashrenu
- Revelation
- Shema & v’Ahavta
- Mi Chamocha
- Tefilah
- Santification
- v’Shamru
- R’tsei (Worship)
- Sim Shalom
- Oseh Shalom