jewish-librarySha’are Shalom has a small but vibrant Library, located adjacent to the lobby foyer. Books that are available include volumes on:

  • Jewish Practices
  • Jewish Holidays
  • Jewish History
  • Important Historical Figures
  • Jewish Heritage
  • Israel – history, current events, photos, historical sites, living, etc.
  • Jewish Life in the USA, Israel, and around the world
  • Jewish Women
  • Raising a Jewish Child
  • Philosophy
  • Ethics
  • Talmud, Torah, Haftorah, and Commentaries
  • Comparative Religions
  • The Holocaust
  • Numerous other non-fiction volumes
  • Fiction with Jewish content and/or by Jewish authors
  • A selection of Jewish Children’s Books is in a separate section of the Library within the classroom/school office.

Borrowing books is simple. There is a 3 x 5 purple index book and pen either on the library table or on a center shelf. On a separate card list your name, phone number and/or email, and the date you took the book. Be sure to list the title of the book and author also. You are welcome to keep the book for 3 weeks and can renew it for an additional 3 weeks with a phone call or email. Return the book to the library table in the library.

The Library is open any time the Synagogue is open. It is a self-serve Library. However, the Librarian is willing to work with you to find books on special topics. Please call or email

Book donations of Jewish content and in good condition may be donated with approval of the librarian. All donations become the property of the Congregation. If you wish to donate books to the Library or for the sale book cart – “Books for Bucks” you need to leave a note with the date, your name, and your phone number. These books, too, should be in good condition. Paperback books will sell for $.50 each and hardbacks will sell for $1.00 each. There will be a container on the cart in which you can leave money or a check. All proceeds will be donated to the Sha’are Shalom general fund. Donated sale books will be discarded or donated elsewhere if they do not sell within a reasonable time.

If you have questions or comments please contact me at

Joselle Gilpin, Librarian