Walk to End Homelessness
Saturday, November 19
Lee Weinberger
It was a little chilly but walkers, Suzanne Darby and Nathan Lusby; Michael, Pamela, Jessie and Shelby Green; Mark Holt and Pat Myers; Nichole and Justin Jones; Jackie Schoch and Lee Weinberger completed the three miles with breath to spare. Several or our congregants who were unable to walk with us made significant contributions to the Safe Nights Program and we want to thank Mike & JoAnne Berens; Alvin & Ellen Cohen; Nancy Gould & Dave Williams; Michael & Bernice Greene; David & Robyn Kanter; Jasha & Binta Levenson; Paul & Elaine McVinney; Dave Plich; Stuart & Susan Richman; and Linda Thomas. We especially want to thank two non-members, Donna Anderson and Tex & Chris Daniell for their contribution to our efforts.
Everyone’s efforts and generosity resulted in our donating just over $1,200 to the Safe Nights Program. The money raised helps pay for transportation costs of taking the families to and from the church; the purchase of cots, linens, towels, and other supplies for the families; as well as the overnight staffing salaries as Lifestyles has to have someone on-call 24/7 during this period.
The budget for the Safe Nights program is over $127,000 with $67,000 coming from the County and the balance coming from donations such as we made.
In addition to our financial support for the walk, several of our women, Ellen Cohen; Suzanne Darby; Pamela Green; Robyn Kanter; Elaine McVinney; Jackie Schoch; Linda Thomas; and Madelene Weinberger volunteered to prepare and serve dinner one night for the families staying at one of the volunteer churches. Those families left the church with a brown bag lunch prepared by several of our students led by the chief brown bag packers, Stu Richman and Jasha Levenson. Thanks to one and all.