President’s Message by Jackie Schoch

Hopefully you will receive this newsletter before the start of our High Holidays. Here is the schedule: Eve of Rosh Hashana is Sept. 4th at 8 PM, Rosh Hashana Sept. 5th at 10 AM, Eve of Yom Kippur is Sept. 13th at 8 PM and Yom Kippur is Saturday at 10 AM. High Holidays is a great time when our Jewish Community comes together and have wonderful services.

As in the past, we of Sha’are Shalom have been doing food drives, collecting school supplies, and coats for the Children Aids Society. We will be doing that again this year. During the High Holidays we will be collecting schools supplies, new and clean used coats. There will be a box as you come into the synagogue for your donations.

I want to say to Brody McCright what a great job you did at your Bar Mitzvah. It is wonderful to see our young people leading services. Hopefully we will see more of our young people leading Friday services. What a great way to give back to our Jewish community.

Don’t forget that on September 8th, is the Oxon Hill Bicycle Club Century and this is a fundraiser for us. All you have to do is make sandwiches (peanut butter or tomato). Please call Mark Holt at 301-292-0852 to sign up as a volunteer.

Last month I mentioned that we are looking for a Building Superintendent and I have gotten some feedback and confusion about the title of Building Superintendent. The position is called “Building Manager”. Look in the newsletter for a better job description.
Check out the newsletter for more information on things that are happening at Sha’are Shalom and come join us.