First thing I want to say is “Congratulations” to Nathan Darby for a job well done on his Bar Mitzvah. Congregation Sha’are Shalom is proud of you.
Our Congregation had a lot of things going on in October with the Bar Mitzvah, Southern Maryland Jewish Cong. Picnic and the Jewish Deli Night. I am sure there will be articles in the newsletter about these events.
Don’t forget to come to the Semi-annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, November 9th after services and Oneg. We have important items to discuss.
Now is the time of year to put on your walking shoes and walk for a very good cause for our county, “Walk to End Homelessness” on Saturday November 16, 2013. This walk benefits the Safe Nights Program in which houses of Worship offer food and shelter to homeless residents. Sha’are Shalom has committed to pledge $500.00 so we are asking each family to donate $15.00 and come and walk the easy 3-mile walk. Hope to see you there.
Check out the newsletter for more information on things that are happening at Sha’are Shalom and come join us.