Sha’are Shalom Weekly News May 1-7

More than 60 people participated in the annual Community Seder on April 23, led by Pat Myers and Valerie Holt. Thanks to Suzanne Darby for organizing and to the many other volunteers who made this event happen!

MAY 11,2024 10:00 A.M

Our Shabbat morning service will take place at 10:00 AM on May 11th, led by Rabbi Gail.  We are expecting about a dozen guests from the confirmation class of Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, who are studying comparative religion. We encourage as many of you as possible to attend in person, so that we don’t risk being outnumbered by our guests! Moreover, we’re hoping to have a really nice kiddush lunch that day. If you cannot make it in person, you can watch it on Zoom at   Meeting ID: 832 7996 0831 .

Annual Membership meeting 19 May 4PM in person and on Zoom

Our Annual membership meeting is planned for 19 May at 4PM in person and on zoom.
This year we have some serious issues with replacements on the Board.  My tenure is up as President. Mike Green’s tenure as VP has been up since last September, but he has graciously been doing the job due the lack of a replacement.  Suz Darby’s tenure is up as Secretary, and she is not planning on running again, and we need someone to step up and chair the Women’s group, since Jackie has taken her old job back as Treasurer.
Please consider volunteering for one of these jobs as the Shul and Board cannot function without them.
Join Zoom Meeting

Topic: Congregation Sha’are Shalom Membership Meeting
Time: May 19, 2024 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 878 2029 5963
Passcode: 76452

Fabulous Fund-Raising Opportunity

Volunteers needed: June 4 from 4:40-930pm, two shifts available 
We are looking for a group of volunteers for an upcoming BINGO fundraiser night at  the Waldorf Jaycee Hall (3090 Crain Hwy, Waldorf, MD 20601) on June 4. All of our members 13 and up, are welcome to volunteer and all energy levels are welcome – there is a job for EVERYONE. 
Specifics: Sunday, June 4 from 430-700 and/or 700-930
To sign up 


Hot Shabbat: Save the Date, June 23
Join us for one of the best events of the year; this year’s Hot Shabbat will be led by Rabbi Gail FIsher and all are welcome both members and guests. Enjoy delicious food, including grilled goodies from our very own Men’s Group. 
More details to come but we hope to see you at this fantastic event. MAZEL TOV BOARD

The big white board that sits on the easel outside the sanctuary has been turned into a Mazel Tov Board! There is a stack of “stickies” on the table next to it.  Post the good things that are happening in your life – good news about yourself or your family, achievements that you want to brag about – X got the starring role in the school play, Y is on the honor role for the fifth time, Z just got a big promotion.  As the board fills up with people’s joyful news, we can read it, know the good things that are happening in our community and be inspired. (No need to sign your name.)


Rabbi Gail will be leading a Havdalah service via Zoom on Saturday, May 18, at 7:30 PM. 

If you have a Havdalah set of your own, you’re welcome to use it along with her as we move through the service. After the brief musical service, she will give a little talk about Elijah the Prophet, mainly focusing on all the magical stories that have grown up around him. Why do we sing a song about him at the very end of Havdalah? Zoom link to follow.

2024 Sha’are Shalom Directory now available

The 2024 edition of the Sha’are Shalom Directory has been published. Copies are in a box in the synagogue lobby. Please pick up one per family (or advertiser) and add your name to the list next to the box so we know who will need them mailed out. The Directory is also posted in the Member area of our web site at

In addition to providing handy contact information, the Directory has many pictures of congregation activities during the past year, articles about what our congregation has to offer, recipes from our members, and memorials to loved ones. Also, please patronize our advertisers, who are helping to support our congregation.



Lead a Friday evening Shabbat service — we’ll help you!

We at Sha’are Shalom are proud of our long tradition of member participation in everything our synagogue does — including leading Friday night services.  While we’re fortunate to have Rabbi Gail Fisher on the second Saturday morning of most months, it’s our own congregants who lead the evening service on the fourth Friday.
Our prayer book makes it easy — just choose your favorite reading from each two-page spread, either in English or Hebrew, spoken or sung. We even have some pre-chosen plans to use.   The pressure is very low — the audience is usually small and supportive.  If you’d rather not write a brief  d’var Torah (a mini-sermon on how something from the week’s Torah portion might apply to our lives today),  Suzanne Darby has volunteered to write it; and if you’re hesitant about leading songs, I can help out with that.
We’d just like more of our members to come up and play a part in services, and so we’re eager to help any way we can. 
     You don’t have to know Hebrew,  and you just have to be past bar/bat mitzvah age.  You can even enlist your spouse and/or kids to be your co-leaders.  We’re looking for volunteers for Friday evening  May 24.  Please contact me at to sign up or for more information.
   See you at our next service –May 11HELP WANTED

Dates Available for Oneg Sponsors  

Shar’are Shalom each Saturday morning (every 2nd Saturday) and Friday night (every 4th Friday) service at the temple ends with the pleasure of fellowship. A little nosh usually makes this fellowship last longer and adds to its delightfulness. Each post service nosh or oneg requires an Oneg Sponsor. Whether it is wine, juice, a challah, and some cookies, or even more – it is always appreciated by those in attendance.

Contact Mike Green, VP, at or (240) 210-1064 (text or call and please leave a message if I don’t answer) if you would like to sponsor an oneg or lead a Friday Night Service or have any questions about doing either.