Topic: Torah Study Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 9030 4211
Passcode: 524459
We’ll be borrowing a second Torah for the High Holidays!
For the second straight year, Congregation Adas Shalom in northern Maryland will be lending us one of its Torahs for us to use during Yom Kippur; this means we won’t have to roll our Torah scroll from Deuteronomy to Genesis and back to Deuteronomy again in the space of a few days. (Thanks to Rabbi Gail for facilitating this.)
Pat Myers will be driving to the Annapolis area (home of the mother of one of the congregants) this week to pick up the Torah. Would anyone be able to drive it back there after Yom Kippur (sometime after Oct. 13)? It’s a retirement community several miles before Annapolis. Contact Pat at [email protected] if you’re available, and we can see what date will work out.
High Holiday Schedule
All Sha’are Shalom members’ High Holiday admissions are included in their membership!
Suggested donation FOR non-members: $100 per person/$150 family.
Rosh Hashanah
Evening Service – Wednesday, Oct. 2nd – 8PM
Morning Service – Thursday, Oct 3rd – 10AM
Followed by Oneg Luncheon and Tashlich (throwing bread into the water)
Yom Kippur
Evening Service (Kol Nidre) – Friday, October 11th – 8PM
Morning Service – Saturday, October 12th – 10AM
Discussion with rabbi – Saturday, October 12th – 4PM
Yizkor Service – Saturday,October 12th – 5PM
Ne’ilah Service – Saturday, October – 6PM
Followed by Havdalah & Community break-the-fast t
Topic: High Holiday Services Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 7613 7353
Passcode: 117334
Did we miss your birthday or a family member’s birthday this year? How about an anniversary? If so, please send a list of family birthdays and anniversaries to
joselle_gilpin so they can be included in future newsletters
Lead a Friday evening Shabbat service — we’ll help you!
Our prayer book makes it easy — just choose your favorite reading from each two-page spread, either in English or Hebrew, spoken or sung. We even have some pre-chosen plans to use. The pressure is very low — the audience is usually small and supportive. If you’d rather not write a brief d’var Torah (a mini-sermon on how something from the week’s Torah portion might apply to our lives today), Suzanne Darby has volunteered to write it; and if you’re hesitant about leading songs, I can help out with that.
We’d just like more of our members to come up and play a part in services, and so we’re eager to help any way we can.
You don’t have to know Hebrew, and you just have to be past bar/bat mitzvah age. You can even enlist your spouse and/or kids to be your co-leaders. We’re looking for volunteers for Friday evenings. Please contact me at [email protected] to sign up or for more information.
See you at our next service
Dates Available for Oneg Sponsors
Shar’are Shalom each Saturday morning (every 2nd Saturday) and Friday night (every 4th Friday) service at the temple ends with the pleasure of fellowship. A little nosh usually makes this fellowship last longer and adds to its delightfulness. Each post service nosh or oneg requires an Oneg Sponsor. Whether it is wine, juice, a challah, and some cookies, or even more – it is always appreciated by those in attendance.
Contact Marshall Jones ([email protected]) if you would like to sponsor an oneg or lead a Friday Night Service or have any questions about doing either.