Sha’are Shalom Weekly News October 16-22


Torah Study, 1st and 3rd Saturday’s 8:30 am via Zoom

Topic: Torah Study Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 845 9030 4211
Passcode: 524459 

Celebrate Sukkot!

Join fellow members under the sukkah on Oct 20 from 930-1130. We will come together to build, decorate and pray under the sukkah. Snacks provided! Please consider bringing non-perishable foods to donate locally.

Join us for a special family Simchat Torah service and celebration on October 25 at 7:00 p.m.!  Ice Cream Sundaes and crafts will be provided, and all ages are welcome.

After Yom Kippur, Rabbi Gail remained in Waldorf for a second night. The next morning, she traveled to Lexington Park to present a program on the fall lineup of Jewish holidays to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Southern Maryland. This is the second program she has been invited to lead for them; she previously conducted a Tu B’Shevat seder for the group. It’s good to have CSS become known to other faith groups in South Maryland.
The presentation, based on PowerPoint slides, was uploaded to her private YouTube channel. It’s at a fairly basic level, although it does have some colorful slides (including featuring some CSS members!), and is available for viewing using this link:

I want to thank everyone who brought in food, help with the sitting up and cleaning up for our Break-The-Fast.
It was wonderful and it was great sitting around talking to everyone.  What a great way to end the evening.

Those of you who were able to join us on Yom Kippur morning heard Rabbi Jasha’s lovely message wishing us all well and expressing how much he misses the community and all the relationships he formed. He also Zoomed that whole service and said how awesome it was and how it made him miss everybody even more! So we wanted to pass along those words as well to warm everybody’s heart at the start of this new year.

Rabbi Gail wants to express gratitude from the bottom of her heart for all that everybody did to make our High Holiday services run so smoothly. People set up and took down tables and chairs. People made, brought and served food and cleaned up afterwards. People lit candles, carried the Torah, read from the Torah, and read readings. People monitored the door and let folks in as they approached. Programs and pledge cards were copied and distributed. Our services are a true communal effort and I know that I could never just stand there in front of you and have it run a fraction as smoothly as it does without the efforts of every one of you. THANK YOU!

Did we miss your birthday or a family member’s birthday this year?  How about an anniversary?  If so, please send a list of family birthdays and anniversaries to
joselle_gilpin so they can be included in future newsletters




Lead a Friday evening Shabbat service — we’ll help you!

We at Sha’are Shalom are proud of our long tradition of member participation in everything our synagogue does — including leading Friday night services.  While we’re fortunate to have Rabbi Gail Fisher on the second Saturday morning of most months, it’s our own congregants who lead the evening service on the fourth Friday.
Our prayer book makes it easy — just choose your favorite reading from each two-page spread, either in English or Hebrew, spoken or sung. We even have some pre-chosen plans to use.   The pressure is very low — the audience is usually small and supportive.  If you’d rather not write a brief  d’var Torah (a mini-sermon on how something from the week’s Torah portion might apply to our lives today),  Suzanne Darby has volunteered to write it; and if you’re hesitant about leading songs, I can help out with that.
We’d just like more of our members to come up and play a part in services, and so we’re eager to help any way we can. 
     You don’t have to know Hebrew,  and you just have to be past bar/bat mitzvah age.  You can even enlist your spouse and/or kids to be your co-leaders.  We’re looking for volunteers for Friday evenings.  Please contact me at to sign up or for more information.
   See you at our next service


Dates Available for Oneg Sponsors  

Shar’are Shalom each Saturday morning (every 2nd Saturday) and Friday night (every 4th Friday) service at the temple ends with the pleasure of fellowship. A little nosh usually makes this fellowship last longer and adds to its delightfulness. Each post service nosh or oneg requires an Oneg Sponsor. Whether it is wine, juice, a challah, and some cookies, or even more – it is always appreciated by those in attendance.

Contact Marshall Jones ( if you would like to sponsor an oneg or lead a Friday Night Service or have any questions about doing either.