Elections, May Membership Meeting

On May 12, we will have our Annual Membership Meeting and the positions of President, Secretary and Financial Secretary need to be filled. The positions are listed below and if you would like to run for one of these positions, please contact Mike Green at [email protected].

President shall be the official representative of the congregation and shall act as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The President shall supervise the activities of the officers of Sha’are Shalom in accord-ance with the policies and directives approved by the Board of Directors and with the purpose of the congre-gation. The President shall appoint all standing and spe-cial committee chairpersons.

Secretary shall prepare and maintain all official documents of the congregation, including these By-Laws, and submit these documents to the Board of Di-rectors. The Secretary shall maintain a record of official correspondence of the congregation, provide notices of meetings to the general membership and to the Board of Directors, maintain an accurate record of the proceed-ings of all general meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors (including a record of all votes taken), and perform all other duties customarily associated with the office or that the Board of Directors may direct.

Financial Secretary shall present to the Board for approval an annual budget for the following fiscal year and will monitor income and expenses reported by the Treasurer for compliance with the approved budget. He/She will recommend to the Board appropriate dues and fee structure and resolve any dues or fee issues with a member on behalf of the Board maintaining to the maximum extent possible the privacy of individual members. The Financial Secretary shall monitor the in-vestment of non-operational and reserve funds to ensure the best use of those funds. The Financial Secretary shall review any and all financial reviews ensuring any discrepancies and/or recommendations are addressed by the Treasurer and presented to the Board.