Women’s Group Update

The upcoming year promises to be a busy one for the Women’s Group.  We hope that all the women of Sha’are Shalom will join us.  We will be spearheading the effort to collect school supplies, coats and food for the less fortunate in our community.  We will organize a Rosh Hashanah luncheon outing, the annual Yom Kippur break the fast, the Tu B’Shevat Seder, and the Passover Seder.  We will take part in organizing the Holocaust Remembrance service and the Chanukah party.  We are planning on trips to a craft fair and to the theater and will hold a book club meeting and go out for dinner and tea.  We’ll join together to play Bunco and to lead a Friday evening service.  We are open to adding events if there are things that you would like to see happen at the temple that are not on the list.  Please contact Pamela Green at [email protected] with your suggestions and questions.

VA Holocaust Museum

The Women’s Group organized an outing to the VA Holocaust Museum in Richmond on July 20.  Eleven members and friends of Sha’are Shalom made the trip.  We enjoyed lunch together before touring the museum.  The museum was co-founded by Jay Ipson, who visited our temple to share the story of his family’s life in hiding during the Holocaust.  The museum tells not only the story of the Ipsons, but also provides information about the Holocaust more broadly.  It is worth the trip to Richmond.

Rosh Hashanah Luncheon

Mark your calendars.  Thursday, September 25, 2014 after services we will be heading to a local restaurant for lunch.  Details will be announced in the September newsletter or via Town Crier.