August 7-13


Wednesday August at 7:30 pm via Zoom
Hang out and share your Kvells and Kvetches
Meeting ID: 850 3979 8832
Passcode: 2982Saturday Shabbat service, August 10, 10 a.m. 
This week’s service will be led by Josh Grossman, with a D’var Torah by Suzanne Darby.  Jackie and Randy Schoch will be hosting the Oneg in honor of their 52nd Wedding Anniversary.  Come one and come all

Torah Study, 1st and 3rd Saturday’s 8:30 am via Zoom

Currently studying the book of Samuel I
Please contact Suzanne Darby for more information (

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 9030 4211
Passcode: 524459

Tisha B’Av
The observance of Tisha B’Av, the ninth day of the month of Av, begins next Monday at sunset and continues through next Tuesday at sunset (August 12-13). It commemorates the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem and is traditionally observed very similarly to Yom Kippur, with a 25-hour fast and various restrictions.  The book of Lamentations is read on this day (a book attributed to Jeremiah, who lived through the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BCE and was himself exiled). At CSS, we don’t observe this day as a community, but we wanted to point out the significance of where we find ourselves on the Jewish calendar.

We are in need of a new Financial Secretary for FY25! Currently, it would be for a 1 year term. Any members have an odd obsession with numbers or balancing a checkbook? Like figuring out budgets? Have about an hour a month you would like to donate towards these tasks? If you have an interest in helping out the congregation as Financial Secretary, please let me know. I am no longer able to do this position as of August 2024. The board is looking for someone who can take on the roll for a one year trial period before the position is up for its normal two year reelection period in FY26.


Annual Congregation Picnic
Sunday, August 25
11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Save the date for the annual Sha’are Shalom picnic at the synagogue, rain or shine! As always, the Men’s Group will grill up some tasty picnic food. It’s free, but everyone is encouraged to bring additional side dishes and desserts to share. Fun for the whole family, with plenty of games and other activities! Please RSVP to Mark Holt at so we know how much food to buy. See you there!

Religious School Begins Sept 8
We look forward to welcoming back students for our 2024-2025 school year, beginning at 9:30am on Sunday, September 8. Liz Mildenstein will take over this year’s programming and is looking for teen and adult volunteers to help with program development and teaching opportunities. Please email Liz ( if:
– Your children are planning to participate in school this year
– You would be interested in volunteering
Thank you and we can’t wait to start the new year with you!

CSS Yard Sale Working Group
Liz Mildenstein, our new Community Engagement lead for CSS, is looking into the feasibility of hosting a yard sale fundraiser in mid-late September. She is looking for volunteers to help with the research, planning and execution of the event. If you are interested, please email her at
Members, start thinking about items you would consider donating to the yard sale. Example items, in good condition, include:
– Home decor
– Furniture
– Baby care items (high chairs, swings, diaper bags, clothes)
– Clothing
– Formal attire
– Antiques
– Toys 

Please note, until we finalize our plan forward, donations will not be accepted but promise to inform the membership the second we do! 


Liz Mildenstein

Treasurer’s Note:

Invoices for 2024-2025 will be sent out at the end of August.



President – Jacob Lindsay – 2 year term
Vice President – Marshall Jones – 1 year term
Secretary – Suzanne Darby – 2 year term
Treasurer – Jackie Schoch –  2 year term
Financial Secretary – VACANT – 1 year term



Lead a Friday evening Shabbat service — we’ll help you!

We at Sha’are Shalom are proud of our long tradition of member participation in everything our synagogue does — including leading Friday night services.  While we’re fortunate to have Rabbi Gail Fisher on the second Saturday morning of most months, it’s our own congregants who lead the evening service on the fourth Friday.
Our prayer book makes it easy — just choose your favorite reading from each two-page spread, either in English or Hebrew, spoken or sung. We even have some pre-chosen plans to use.   The pressure is very low — the audience is usually small and supportive.  If you’d rather not write a brief  d’var Torah (a mini-sermon on how something from the week’s Torah portion might apply to our lives today),  Suzanne Darby has volunteered to write it; and if you’re hesitant about leading songs, I can help out with that.
We’d just like more of our members to come up and play a part in services, and so we’re eager to help any way we can. 
     You don’t have to know Hebrew,  and you just have to be past bar/bat mitzvah age.  You can even enlist your spouse and/or kids to be your co-leaders.  We’re looking for volunteers for Friday evenings.  Please contact me at to sign up or for more information.
   See you at our next service


Dates Available for Oneg Sponsors  

Shar’are Shalom each Saturday morning (every 2nd Saturday) and Friday night (every 4th Friday) service at the temple ends with the pleasure of fellowship. A little nosh usually makes this fellowship last longer and adds to its delightfulness. Each post service nosh or oneg requires an Oneg Sponsor. Whether it is wine, juice, a challah, and some cookies, or even more – it is always appreciated by those in attendance.

Contact Mike Green, VP, at or (240) 210-1064 (text or call and please leave a message if I don’t answer) if you would like to sponsor an oneg or lead a Friday Night Service or have any questions about doing either.