Jackie Schoch, President’s Message

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Madelene Weinberger for planning our Holocaust Remembrance Program this year. It really takes a lot of work getting the word out to the community, lining up a speaker and putting together a program that many of us will never forget. The speaker we had this year was Jay Ipson. Jay Ipson is a native of Lithuania, a Holocaust Survivor as a child and a co-founder of the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Richmond, VA. It was really nice to see our young people asking questions and how Jay related to them. Again Thank You, Madelene for a job well done.

I want to remind everyone to mark May 11 on your calendar for the Membership Meeting after services and a luncheon Oneg. At the Membership Meeting, we will be electing a new Treasurer and Vice-President, presenting our new budget for next year, approving the contract for Rabbi Saltzman, and approval of Merle Whitt’s Estate. Every family or single unit gets one vote, so come and voice your opinion at the membership meeting.

For all of our new members and old members, I just want to let you know we do have a Rabbi and he is not just for Saturday Services. If you ever want to talk to Rabbi Saltzman, about any life events he is available at any time either by email (rebsaltzman@aol.com) or by phone (202-244-6871).

Check out the newsletter for more information on things that are happening at Sha’are Shalom and come join us.
