Library Notes

41+U0a5JYBL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_by Lorraine Blatt, Librarian

Why Be Jewish?: A Testament
By Edgar Bronfman (Published 2016)
Edgar Bronfman’s (1929-2013) last work conveys the deep absorbing love for Judaism that he found late in life. The book meets Bronfman’s goal of creating an accessible introduction for secular Jews seeking ways of finding meaning in their heritage without having to believe in God.
Bronfman uses the concepts of asking questions, performing acts of social justice, and engaging with Jewish texts, philosophy, history and art. He injects anecdotes from his youth and takes pride in the legacy of his training program for young Jewish leaders.

The book is Bronfman’s call to a generation of secular, disaffected, and unaffiliated Jews. It addresses the critical questions confronting Judaism worldwide. Bronfman makes the case for a rich ritually Jewish life. He believes that God is not required in order to make the case for a rich Jewish life. His only regret was his realization that this concept came to late for his own children. He believes it is not too late for the thousands like him in the next generations. This message is Bronfman’s gift to them. Edgar loved to learn Jewish texts and he found their message compelling. He believed others could also if they could be convinced by an older and wiser fellow traveler.
“One can’t help but be impressed with the amount of time he spent engaging with the Torah and Talmud through books and their teachers. This act of generosity to give what took him hours to learn is now made available in a pithy volume which can be digested in just a few hours.” − Arlen Weinstein
The book has been described as incredibly beautiful and very readable. It is the “ultimate answer as to why it is important for this great tradition not to die.”
Sale Book Cart: Books for Bucks
Check out the Books for Bucks book cart in the Sha’are Shalom lobby. We are selling used paperback and hardcover books as a continuing fundraiser for the synagogue. Paperbacks are 50 cents and hardbacks $1. Put your cash or check in the container on the cart.
Donations to Books for Bucks will become the property of the Congregation. Please donate books only in good condition and in quantities of fewer than 25. Leave your name, phone, email, and the date of your donation in a note with any books you donate.
Contact Lorraine Blatt at or 772-359-7370.
Please remember to leave a note with your name when dropping off books at the library. Thanks!