Religious School

Mazel Tov to Brody McCright and Nathan Darby who, on separate occasions, lead our family service at Sunday School and did a great job! This is no small accomplishment. Both Nathan and Brody are more than a year away from their Bar Mitzvahs and both are able to stand before the congregation and lead us in prayer.
Summer will be here before you know it and I encourage all families to consider a Jewish Summer Camp experience for their children. There are $1,000 scholarships for first time campers available at We are a small Jewish community and it’s important for our children to connect with the broader Jewish community. Being surrounded by hundreds of other Jewish children can be a life changing experience and an opportunity to make lifelong friendships with Jewish peers across the country.

Religious School is held Sundays at 9am. There is a family service, open to the congregation, which lasts from 9-10am and then 2 class sessions which cover prayer based Hebrew and Jewish Studies. New students are welcome any time throughout the year.

Jasha Levenson
Religious School Principal, 301-645-4606