Women of CSS

We started off the month of May with great dinner at Prime Street Grille and had 10 attendees. We all agreed it was a great dinner. We continued with our culinary theme and enjoyed an Antebellum Tea at Mt. Aventine with 11 attending.
Our next social is May 23rd for an activity evening at 6:30. We will be finishing up the knitting project, playing Scrabble and enjoying some meditative coloring.

Madelene volunteered to organize a Women of CSS-sponsored event which is open to the whole congregation. We will attend the Tantallon Players “Dream Girls” soon. (See her article on p. 1.)
The next Women’s dinner out needs a coordinator. If you have a restaurant recommendation and would like to make a reservation for us, please let me know.

Lorraine volunteered to teach Mahjong. A time and day is being decided.  
Remember, we are an inclusive organization and are open to all women. I look forward to seeing you soon!

by Elaine McVinney